Monday, February 27, 2012

Memories in Super Show 4 Singapore 19022012

新加坡 Super Show 4 演唱会的记忆
Super Show 4新加坡场结束已经一个星期了啊~~想和大家分享所以就写了篇我去演唱会的后记吧^^演唱会后的记忆有一度是空白不知为什么,可能因为兴奋过头吧,看看能记回吗?
真不敢置信,演唱会就好像昨天才发生一样。。。还记得看到很多妖精们在场外排队,进入场内看到很多应援的布条,演唱会一开始到结束大家的应援和支持声,一片的蓝海和“白色星星”的应援,哥哥们的落力演出,哥哥们对我们无限的感激~~全部都好像在做梦一样!这场演唱会真的是太棒了!真希望会有大马场啊~~~We Want SS4 Malaysia!!!!

Super Show 4 Singapore had ended since one week ago~~wanna share my experience with you all so i will write something about it ^^ After the concert actually my mind was once totally blank don't know why, maybe because of over excited, let's see if i can recall back XD Really can't believe that the concert had ended, feels like it's just happened yesterday...still remember there were lots of ELFs queing up outside the stadium, saw a lot of supporting banners, when the concert started all the fan chants and sceaming, sapphire blue sea, white lights project, oppas awesome performances and the gratitude of oppas to us~~It's just like dreaming you know? This concert is REALLY AWESOME!!! Really wish there's SS4 in Malaysia! We Want SS4 in Malaysia!!!!

真的很感恩因为能出席这场演唱会,虽然这一次我妈还是与我同行,不过我又有了第一次的初体验^^我又第一次为了Super Junior去做国际护照为了就是去新加坡看他们。第一次出国,第一次一个人乘踏邻国地铁,又是很多的第一次啊呵呵。。

要去新加坡的前一天,我妈竟然买了隔天最早的巴士。我说:“妈啊~你要不要那么早啊”,不是说8am了吗?我妈:“那人说7.30 过后就是8.30没有8am 啊,所以就买7.30的咯。。我妈是不是很可爱呢~~>

2月18日7.30am我就开始去见Super Junior的旅程了,第一次踏巴士去新加坡,体验到在新加坡工作的大马人们,他们都很赶时间啊,每天要过两次的关卡才能到工作的地点。还有劝大家不要在周末去那里海关超多人的说哈哈排队排到你傻~~



Really thankful that i can attend this concert, though my mom is following me to SG this time, but i still experienced many "FIRST TIME' again ^^First time because of Suju i make passport, first time go 'oversea' ,first time take the MRT alone, so many first time again haha.....

The day before the concert, my mom bought us the earliest bus ticket. I said: mommy why you buy so early one, i said 8am what.." mom:"that gal said after 7.30am the next will be 8.30am, so i bought 7.30am ticks" my mom is sooo way cute isnt she? LOL 18th Feb 7.30am i started my journey to meet Suju again, first time took bus to SG, learned that M'sia peeps who work in SG, really have to rush their way, everyday need to go through 2 custom before can go to their working place, and my advise don't go SG during weekend, LOTs of people, you will be crazy just for the queue~~My aunt fetched us to their house when we reached the MRT station~First time went to my uncle's house, SG have lots of HDB and they all looks the same only the colours are different LOL, if there's no road sign i am gonna lost my way there (ok this is my first time to SG don't laugh at me ok?) The long waited 19th Feb had arrived!! Over excited~~ Wake up early in the morning to prepare the lightsticks, foods, sweets, water....the most important is camera!!! Bought new camera because of the concert! Asked my cousin to buy me the merchandises because she went on the 18th, luckily still have stocks~~~ ^^


说回演唱会吧!拿到票后就排队入场超兴奋的说!过’关卡’时,那位保安小姐看到我书包里的面包对我说:“Miss, No food is allowed" 我说:"I am not going to eat it" 她:”Ok just keep it" (当时的我好庆幸啊因为很多人的食物和水都被丢了,还好她没发现到我的水。。。) P/s:相机当然也安全的被偷渡进去了。


My uncle bought me a SingTel card so that easier to contact me, and also borrow me the SG's T& G card because after the concert sure will be lots of peoples queing to buy tickets!Thanks a lot Uncle!! (For real, after the concert, the ticketing machine were so long queue!!, Lot's of people even those with the card, luckily i managed to get the train!) When taking bus back i lost my way because i stop at the bus stand before the actual one, as what i said SG's road sign looks all the same LOL

Let's back to the concert! Straight away went into the venue once i got my ticket! When the security checked my bag she saw my bread in my bag:" Miss No food is allowed" I said: " I am not going to eat it" Ok just keep it (I felt that i am so lucky, because many people's food and drinks were in the dustbin, luckily she didnt saw my drinks...) p/s: of course my camera was sneaked in safely....

Found my seats and was shocked a little bit because the seats was so front! Thanks to DKP!!! Love you guys so much!!! Promised will write as much post as possible when i am free!

当天我那个区的多数是记者和主办的工作人员,只有少数的妖精们.还好我隔壁的是个妖精而且是中国的妖精哦^^所以喊应援的时候有点不刺激的说不过我不管啦照样喊!我看我是最疯狂的媒体代表了!失礼了lll第一次看到演唱会的保安那么的严,一看到你拿相机就到你面前来举牌:“no camera, no videography"真的很想扁那个一胖一瘦的保安啊,害我没的拍哥哥们!害我要当起忍者才能拍到一些照片>< 好冒险啊~~

当天一开场就是他们在水里的视频,大家都喊的震耳欲聋的呵呵包括我在内~~接下来就是Superman上场了!!超有气势的!那个移动舞台和喷水的功能超炫的啦!!接二连三的歌曲我都忘了那一首打那一首了哈哈,因为忙着应援和当忍者。记忆里最多的就是他们来到我那区的时候,超近的啦!!特队长的最后一朵玫瑰还送给了我那区前排的粉丝呢!始源很喜欢我那区有个穿Superman 衣服的记者呵呵一直跟他有互动~~每个成员都给我看到他们最近的‘真面目’了哈哈,虽然有些照片拍的不是很清楚,但赫赫的我拍到独家了啦!超爱我那张图的说,我想说我的相机很喜欢赫赫啦,很多图都拍到很高清一下^^

The peoples at my block that day were mostly media and organizer's , only a few ELFs,luckily the one beside is ELF^^There's not much fun when chanting the fan chant, but i don't care!! Still chant as loudly as i can! I think i am the craziest media rep there LOL! First time went to the concert where the securities were so STRICT!! Once they saw you took out your camera preparing to snap pictures, the signboard with No Camera , NO videography will be up!! Feel like wanna punch the 2 securities near my block there, if not i can get more pictures of oppas!!!I mean HD pictures!! because they came so close in front of my seats. I need to be  ninja because of this  aiksssssss~~~

That day the concert was started with the video they are in the water, the screaming sound were filling the stadium!!! Including me!!Next is Superman, the great opening with the moving stage and water fountain!! It's really cool!!! Next next song being performed i forgot what song already because i was busy chanting and snapping pictures like a ninja LOL The most memorable is when all of them came to the front stage just in front of my block! Teuk oppa gave his last rose to the lucky fangal in the front row of my seat. Siwon loves our block too because there's one media rep wearing the Superman T-shirt, he's doing lots of fanservice with him LOL I can see them all clearly standing in front of me~~~ But i can't took good pictures because of those securities~~ But i manage to take pictures of Eunhyuk's SUPER DUPER HD!!!!! haha my new camera do love eunhyuk ^^

大队的演出,成员们的Solo,我都陶醉其中~一直为他们应援和尖叫^^ 很喜欢Mr Simple,赫赫solo, Oppa Oppa, Storm,Our Love时的应援...很感动啦:Storm时大家亮起了白色的灯代表天上的星星,Our Love的心型应援,害我哭了~赫赫solo 时叫我们喊他Brad Pitt, Jhonny Depp, Tom Cruise, Choi Si Won , 但全场喊的是Lee Hyuk Jae@@哈哈是不是很开心呢??XD Oppa Oppa时 I say Donghae You say OPPA, I say Myeolchi You say OPPA. 大家都喊的很大声哦Oppa们应该很开心吧! 因为记者会时有提到韩国男人听到人喊他们Oppa时会觉得很开心?(如果我没记错的话)那我们就多喊oppa吧!SUJU Talk时,记得东海说我已经把全部的门锁了起来今晚我们就睡在这里吧呵呵~~特特也提到很感谢来出席演唱会的粉丝们,最让我记忆深刻的就是赫赫提到马来西亚!!爱死你了赫赫哈哈,我当时尖叫的时候周围的人应该不知到我在高兴些什么吧哈哈

(承认我是变态)  最搞笑的是艺声了,起初说NoNo的最后为了粉丝们豁出去了 ~~他们绕场和粉丝们说再见时我竟然幸运的摸到赫赫的手啊,幸福死了哈哈~~想回去很像只是摸到手指,不管啦终之我摸到他的手!哈哈一个星期了,每天都在想念他们呢,快点公布大马的四巡日子吧!你们都听到了吗?我们要SS4大马场!!!
The prefomances no matter group or solo, i was so into it!!! chanting and screaming with them^^ I love the fanchant for Mr Simple, Our Love, Storm, so touched with the white lights project during the storm the heart shaped fan project during Our Love, Teuk oppa even cried awww he makes me creid too... During Eunhyuk's solo he wants us to shout Brad Piit, Jhonny Depp, Tom Cruise, Choi Si Won when he sings the say my name song, but the whole stadium just shouted LEE HYUK JAE!! Awesome!!! Then during oppa oppa, i say donghae you say OPPA i say myeolchi you say OPPA i say Eunhae You say OPPA, whole stadium shouted OPPA too, they must be so happy because during the press, they mentioned that if someone called them oppa they will feel happy with it XD ( if i didnt remember wrongly) Let's just call them oppa shall we? During Suju Talk, donghae said he had locked all the doors of the stadium adn tonight we will sleep here together hahaha teuk oppa did thank all the fans who attended the concert no matter from what country we are, then eunhyuk mentioned about Malaysia!!! I was over excited and screaming there!!Love you so much LEE HYUK JAE!! I think the people around me must be laughing at me XD i dont care LOL

At the end of the concert, they play the water games ^^ Only Ryeowook and Hyuk didnt play, but i wanna see( ok im pervert) Then the one that said No No when fans shouting his name, yesung yesung!! finally play with the water too he said just for his fans XDD Lucky us. When they walked around the stage to bid goodbye, i got to touch EUNHYK"S hand!!! but thinking back it might be only his finger but i don't care as long as i touched his hand hahaha so happy that night~~The concert ended after they walked aorund the stage and bow to all the fans at last!~~ I am gonna miss you guys. Did you guys hear us?? WE WANT SS4 MALAYSIA!!!!