Thursday, December 20, 2012

From 20.12.2012 to 21.12.2012

Dooms Day is coming soon???
Today is such a beautiful 20122012, tomorrow will be 21122012 which is the doom's day according to many stories
Let's wait and see what will happen.

Before anything happens, let's review what i am doing since i was born into this world.
It's been 20 over years since i was born in this beautiful world/earth.
Not much i can say about my memories but what i can say, mother earth is really an awesome and beautiful place. Human should be thankful with what they have now and keep protecting the earth. What i am not satisfied is people will never concern about what they had done to the mother earth. They will only concern when there's something happen.

I myself is a graduate under plant & resources management major. I fully understand what's the importance of the natural resources to the earth. People are destroying her ever now and then, that's why there's so much disaster this few years. If really dooms day is going to come, we can't blame anyone,we can only blame ourselves. I am not pin pointing anyone but really there's not much people who cared about the earth.

So what to do if really tomorrow is the doom's day, i can only say i love you my dear mother earth. I will continue to try my best in protecting you if there's still the day after tomorrow. Though i know i can't do much but i promise to try my best.

Next i wanna say thank you to my dear family and friends who had be with me all this while since i was small. I am not a talkative person that makes me looks so unsociable. I am not that kind of people who will talk to you but you need to take the first step to make me talk to you. This is my personality. If you don't like just ignore me, i am fine with it.

Well i am so sleepy now, need to take a good sleep to fight the 'war' tomorrow, shall continue my blogging tomorrow if i am still living

My story to be continued~~~~~~~

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Asia Super Showcase Malaysia 111212 后记

每次写后记都是几天后的事情,这次我要写三天的后记啊,记忆还是有点模糊给我一点时间吧~ 图片也没那么多~



吃了午餐后就去找要住的饭店,我们竟然在那里兜了半个钟才找到!我本来在对的方向了,但我妹坚持说TimesSquare巴士往下走应该是在前面。好,那我们就往前走,啊走了那么还是没看到,问店里的人也是答非所问,打给饭店说我在的地方要怎样去,他说不知道,很想说KL人你们是住这里的吗???干脆打电话给大妹叫他上网查,我们就这样边讲电话边往目的地走。。。终于给我看到了!!哈哈顿时间好开心啊因为天气又很热整身大汗了。Check in 了就到房间去冲凉休息,睡觉!


过后就去踏Monorail到HangTuah站然后走路去KWC. 那个时候的Monorail有够挤的!像沙丁鱼将。。天色开始暗了,我和妹都走很快很怕的说,在KWC排队的粉丝们还没什么人,只是383的最多人。我们坐着休息一下就回了。回去看WhatApps俊秀说我到了没讲到话呵呵,不好意思啦,晚上回去很恐怖,很暗又怕坏人~~回到饭店的任务就是找票!到处FB PM人看有谁要卖票,我妹口里说不要去其实他是很想去的,本来找到183的又说将远看不到,283又没人卖,只好朝383走了,希望有人卖比较低的价钱,终于在隔天早上有回复了。但是没想到他是U-mobile区的还卖330!就想没时间了随便啦可以进去就好了~老妹你欠我330!!哈哈哈 



其实买那个包子的店本来要和我妹去吃的,只是找不到,只看到有卖面米粉的挡子就直接坐下来吃了。打过去问要什么早餐,要吃包点的话就要继续找哈哈,我讲的那间店竟然就在隔几间店屋的角头间!就走进去用我半咸不淡的广东话点了三个包子,还好他听的懂哈哈,在KL的话不会广东话会很糟糕一下>< 这家店是在网上找到的听说很有名一下,还没机会问到妹妹们好吃吗? 

到了会场看到很多人在排队了,强调是‘很多’挤到满满了!!连楼梯都有人站了,啊那我要怎样送过去啊,得绕另外一边了。。还好另一边有楼梯可以下去,也还好妹妹们是在队伍前面哈哈,送早餐任务完成了,很怕大家不够分的说~应该都没心情吃对吗?会场也看到Joanne,Amiko, 婉婷,俊秀了^^

接着我们就在会场那里溜达看到有人分应援品就过去拿了可是没有拿到我要的><还好婉婷有帮我拿到赫赫的一张哈哈谢啦!我们在那里逗留到11点就回去饭店收拾要搬家了~饭店柜台还会打来问你要继续住还是Checkout呢~我们就这样大包小包的再过去KWC等大姐到了再过去饭店放东西,到那里和 Jamie见面,那个时候大家已经开始入场了。我们也在那里溜达到大概两点多,大姐终于到了,我们也坐的士过去。KL坐Taxi要找走Meter的,啊不然会被砍菜头!到饭店终于看到大姐了哈哈,换了衣服我们就踏Monorail到Hangtuah再走过去meet Jamie.剩下我们还没进场了,我们就在那里溜达,因为我也在等我妹的票~~大概6点大家都进去了,剩下我一个,为什么那么苦逼啊要等将就才放我进去~~不过进去也不是在那里待等,我的位子真的在最后面!就拿相机来试镜头,要Zoom到完才能拍到啊~~而且手还不能抖,一抖就蒙了。我就想尽量吧。一定有很多人拍到的~~ 


过后我的最爱Super Junior M终于出来了!!宝蓝海啊!!!我带了荧光棒没的用,很想哭啊啊啊啊啊,很感动咯他们一出场我在后面看到很清楚宝蓝海出现了,我眼眶都湿了,哥哥们一定很开心对吧!这次的太完美应援真的是超级棒啦!!很大声!!你们发新专辑一定要来哦!我终于等到了我的永恒哈哈哈你们还真的唱这首啊,很喜欢!!赫赫你就等着吧我会爬去宿舍里找你的我要你唱歌给我听!哈哈哈! 没眼力东海把红毛丹当成是鸡蛋啊~~那天赫海的戏码是我最喜欢的部分了嘻嘻,有你们在的地方就会把场子搞到很热,大家都很High!! 我在那区很苦闭没的喊没的应援,拍照还要限制~~而且很远啊,我要吐嘈主办!!!不过看到你们落力演出而且心情大好的就无所谓啦,可以看到你们就很好了!一如往常演出完毕你们的惯例都会到舞台各个角落致谢,赫海你们要将高调吗哈哈,Henry还把国旗挥了起来呢骄傲^^ p/s: 我的记忆还在回复中,想到什么再PO上来哈哈。。他们演唱完了,大家还在等安可,都不想离开,我旁边的都走到完了啊哈哈。




隔天早上大家都睡到很迟才起来呵呵,我呢可能是太热了8点多就起来了然后是坐着睡的~大概11点多大家准备好就Check out饭店了,我们就往鼎太丰走去,吃了小龙包。觉得很普通罢了还是我那天还没睡醒呢?味觉还没开启哈哈,可能不同地方制作手法不同味道就不一样了,这是我的意见XD吃了过后可爱的我们在里面逗了一圈不知道要去那里。最后俊秀他们说要到SgWang去meet朋友我们也一起过去了踏车到各自的目的地,8+Line就这样道别了。回到家整只脚好痛哦痛到隔天去,还好已经痊愈了,这两天每心情工作咯哈哈,心还停留在那天,大家说是不是呢? 




Sunday, November 25, 2012




Thursday, November 22, 2012




而且最近又开始加班工作了,一点都不想,但是要等订单进来没办法了~~~TT 很想放长假啊啊啊啊~~~~可以吗??赫赫我要去你的店打工,可能这样我会更加开心~~~~

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Wisdom Tooth Extraction Day~~~~

Let's start with my wisdom tooth extraction diary LOL

Wake up early in the morning, then waited at the clinic...
Went in the room, they asked me to gargle my mouth then wait for dr to come....
As usual Dr is in a 'rushing' mode haha, his motion very quick LOL. He gave me 2 shots of anesthetic then my whole mouth started to become paralyze. I can't feel anything with it even when they asked me to gargle also i felt hardly to do it.

Then the Minor Oral Surgery started:

Dr took a kind of machinery to 'cut' of my gums i think, within a few minutes he started to use the clam to 'clam' my tooth out like opening a nut shell, i didn't feel anything because i was paralyzed. Within a few minutes too i was surprise that my tooth is OUT!! They put in a small bag for me to bring it home haha, fairy god mother, let's meet tonight XD

In just about 20minutes i am done with my wisdom tooth MOS,Dr said it should be ok because my tooth is in a correct position, not too hard to extract..And there here you go,my tooth is out and i m bleeding like hell now....>

Thursday, August 2, 2012





我:“说真的不会也,没时间想那么多......” 这样是对还是错呢?















我真的很开心能认识到大姐Jane,妹子LengNyl依玲, Kristine婉婷,俊秀,小蓝,Eva佩华,燕萍,Ivy, Joanne,淑芳,醴露,韵琪,亿玲,Jamie&Amiko韵心~~~~^^到时我们见面的时候你们知道要怎样应付我了吧哈哈哈,希望我们友谊永固~~~

Friday, July 27, 2012

Super Junior Sexy, Free and Single!!! Got it at last!!!

Have you got a copy of Super Junior latest album ??? Sexy, Free & Single is in my hand now mwahahahha
Bought it from Leesmusic^^ I am so gonna makes sure that the album i buy is counted into Hanteo because i wanna help oppa to get the GDA again!!!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012









Friday, May 4, 2012

It's May 2012!!!! Everyday is moving so fast~~~

One month had passed so way fast!! OMO!!! 
Just realized that it's MAY 2012 now.........
Went outing with family to Minyak Beku Segenting on 1st of May since all of us are off for one day... It's been long time since i went there, few years back i think. That day we went there and saw an interesting new business they are having..... Feeding the fishes with baby milk bottles!!! LOL Just pay RM3 and you will get a bottle to feed those fishes~~~

Went there for prayers (Toa Peh Gong), my dad touched the fishes there, some say you can get good luck after touching the fishes. Had visit my relatives there, she treat us some homemade yam cakes yummy ^^~~ Granny picked back some noni fruits. I remember this so called mengkudu have medicine purposes. You can find a lot in Sarawak.... As you know medicine must be bitter~~~

Watching the sea~~~i miss my study life~~~ i wanna go for field trip again waaaaaaaaaaa.
Anyhow now it's working life for me and i seems to be immune to my work already... Once reach 5.30 everyday i will be preparing to go home XD...... Sometimes it's just really stress if you stay longer in the office, you will be getting mad with those unfinished work, if you are going to stay there longer than your normal working hours, i will be insane!!!! So my advice for those who are working go to work on time and go home on time too~~~

April~~~~ i had been spending a lot again~~~ On what??? 
Of course on Super Junior haha, my mom is nagging on me everyday, "You are very rich buying albums everyday huh". Feel like wanna reply her "mommy i save by not eating just to buy their album can??? " I am going to get scolded if she knows how i spend my money~~~~~><

Last month i had bought Super Show 3 Photobook which i aimed for long time since last year.Thought it will only arrive this month but the shop have ready stock so she couriered to me after 1 week~~~That day my sis and I was examining the signature on it whether it's real or not... Final result it's PRINTED but with good qualities.. Worth the price LOL .

Then i bought SJ's Don't Don and Sorry Sorry, Oppa Oppa (TW version), SJM Perfection... I know i bought these albums late but better than never ^^ Got Sorry Sorry and Don't Don this week, long time didn't listen to their old songs, so nice~~~~
Can't wait for my Oppa Oppa and Perfection~~~ Hope can arrive by mid of May 

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Well received my Super Junior LG Photo book!!

First of all thanks to LG Malaysia/ Celstar Comm who organize such a great opportunities for us to win this precious gift^^ Though i didn't get the signed album by Ryewook but this is an awesome gift too!! The design are so cool!! The photo book arrived at my house today^^ There~ let's take a peep into the album.

Back view of the album

 Side view

After taken out from the box: CD + Photo book

Let's start from the CD ^^ The design is cool enough, the CD includes Mr Simple MV and also the shot from MoA Taiwan last year. There's photo jacket from the photo book too--> SOFT COPY XD

The last page of the photobook, continue to view it from here... all the pictures from the photobook as below XD

 Got the brochures on LG phones too ^^ gonna flip through it feel like wanna buy LG Optimus SOL 

Once again wanna thanks to LG!! Hope there many more contest in future ^^

Friday, April 20, 2012

I love Super Junior ^^

It's been long time since i wrote here, today i am in a good mood to write something So---- Let's begin~~ my topic still Super Junior XD

It's already 2 months since i saw Super Junior in person in the Super Show 4 Singapore, i miss them everyday especially Lee Hyuk Jae..... <3 <3 Still can't take off my mind that i got to touched him that day so happy when thinking about it LOL

I know that the chances for Super Show 4 in Malaysia is very low but never mind we will wait for Super Show 5, 6, 7,8....... But i am gonna miss Teuk oppa >< Can you come to Malaysia once again before you go for military services? Awwwwww... 

16th April Kangin had been discharged from the military service, finally Korea No 1 Handsome guy is back ^^ It's really a Short Journey, can't believe that 2 years had passed so f\ast!!! Welcome back Kim Young Woon!!!! Awaiting your appearance in SJ's upcoming album! Anticipating for Chulie's comeback soon another year ><~~~~

Just wanna express my love for SUJU oppas^^ Recently i joined a contest again, the prize is Wookie's signature album! Crazily ask many unknown peoples to LIKE my pictures but still lost~~~Never mind still got consolation prize it's the Not For Sale SJ LG photobook hahahaha You need to purchase LG phone in order to get it but i WON it so happy!!! Waiting for it's arrival at my doorstep! Shall upload the pictures when it's arrived^^

Let's check out my Mr Simple collection, though i didn't bought much but i did all my best to help SJ to win GDA^^ you cannot look down on ELFs power!!! 
Well one of the B version i won it through contest and i got the group card!! So happy when i knew that i got the group card from my sis haha. Now aiming for Eunhyuk's card if can, i won't be trading Shindong away because i have fate with him haha. I traded Chulie's cover with Eunhyuk's because i love Eunhae XD

My collection is getting larger and larger soon mwahahahaha. Wanted to buy Opera and Oppa Oppa Japanese version but it's so expensive!!! Let's wait for a while more maybe there will be Taiwan version?? Like the previous Bonamana's that i bought is Taiwan version~~~